Feetscreen.com belong to the new generation of foot fetish sites that focus exclusively on videos of highest quality. Complicated scenarios, daring action and dozen of different ways to have foot sex are the distinctive features that will alow you to indulge your fetish on the new level. We provide you with an amazing range of foot fetish topics and scenarios - footjobs, domination, foot and shoe sniffing, girl/girl footsy play, just name it. And we're not one of those video on demand systems, we provide our customers with full blown download access. Once you paid, it's all yours. After you downloaded our videos you're free to do anything you want with them (except for commercial use of course). You can view them however many times you want, record them on any carrier you like, or you can even burn your own DVD collection with our videos and watch them on the big screen of your TV at home, our quality is enough and spare for that.